铅雨 | Lead Rain - Demo V0.2s
A downloadable game for Windows and Android
A game which combine action game with shooting elements. This game is characterized by a hit must kill as the core of the high-difficulty and fast-paced mowing, whether the enemy or the player will be killed by a second.
The era of chivalrousness has gone. Nowadays, firearms dominate the battlefield. Maybe there're no more chivalry again. But as the last swordsman in the world, I should fight for justice until my final end of my journey come.
侠客时代已经远去,如今是火器的时代。刀剑的武功没有失传,但是“侠义”的精神已经彻底被以往。作为最后的一位侠客,为了重拾“侠义”的精神,踏上了可能付出生命为代价的艰难道路 。
left mouse button for melee ATTACK and PARRY
right mouse button for AIM and SHOOT
Left Virtual Roller for MOVE
RED button for melee ATTACK and PARRY
BLUE button for AIM and SHOOT
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cool prototype but think need fix
Thanks for testing our game. I will do my best to fix that
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